Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Old Love, New Blog

It's time I translated my football newsletters to a blog, don't you think? less clog in your inbox. Not to mention I'm always into broadcasting my every thought and experience to the world...

  • it started out with the AOL Profile & webpage
  • My story expanded to the Sah-Story newsletters (emailed)
  • Of course everyone always knew you could stalk me through my AIM profile & away messages
  • Those not as close could find my every move on facebook or through the Holy Cross blog
  • And you know you were 'in' when you received the frequent text message updates

With all this blog non-sense and application shizzle flying around, why not continue what I started since none of the above (with the exception of AOL profiles and webpages because, anyone's who's anyone knows AOL sucks) has ended!

If i'm not the most transparent, reachable person you know, I'm afraid to meet your other friend.

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