Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Scoop on Scoop...

Okay, cheesey title. But Stevers and I just finished watching the Woody Allen movie featuring Hugh Jackman and Scarlett Johassan.

Our conclusion? It was cute.

Although not normally a huge Woody Allen fan, I thought the script was fantastic. Some great lines and enjoyable dialogue. Definitely quotable.

Scarlett? Less than stunning red. I just couldn't buy it. As Stevers would say "I'm not buying what you're selling, Liang". Minus the Liang.

Predictable but worth adding to your netflix.

PS. Stevers would like to know if anyone else thinks that Scarlett Johassan looks EXACTLY like Christina Applegate. He can't tell them apart. What do you think?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Done, Done and... DONE!

...with my Digital Media Marketing Certificate. Final class is done. Final exam is handed in. Final Final is Finally done. Now once I "pass" the class officially, I have to harass NYU to send me my certificate. I fear they will tell me that for some technicality reason I haven't earned it. I will be furious. ROAR ANGRY HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!

They better hope they don't encounter the angry hippo sah. So hopefully I am truly done.

Monday, October 15, 2007

New NFL Website

I may not be a Forrester Research Analyst who is paid thousands of dollars to evaluate and rate websites, however, I am in the industry as well as a user/football fan and let me just say...


I love it. Although nothing shocking or revolutionary, every best practice and great content with video clip highlights... Definitely a must visit. I love it.

Children of Men

Thought provoking, intense, great. Rent it from Netflix or check it out on IMDB for more info.
Best Dinner Eva

mmmm.... stir fry... broccoli... carrots... mushrooms... chicken... teriakyi sauce... on white rice... makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

S'panks Stevers! :)
Chicago: Recipe for Disaster

Somewhere in my ingredients I went wrong...
  • 3 hours of flight delays
  • 1.5 hour cab ride (instead of 30 minutes)
  • Dropped off in a dark alley (i was "assured" the hotel was down the block)
  • Hotel Receiptionist at dinner when I arrived

After cooking overnight, switch ovens to the Hilton:

  • Exotic dinner place + Picky eater + L'Oreal Coworker Pressure = YIKES
  • High Air conditioning + lack of sleep = getting sick

Bake and send home. Good Golly, i'm even bored by my own posting.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Bills Give Cowboys Run For Their Money

hahaha, get it? Bills? Money?

Anyway, if you didn't see the game tonight you have missed one of the best games in the past year. Who didn't think the Cowboys would destroy the Bills? No one. Don't even try to pretend you thought Buffalo had a chance. I don't believe you.

The fact that Buffalo outplayed Dallas the entire game was shocking to begin with... and wtf Romo? WTF? 6 turn-overs? I mean, that's worse than the Jets.

So with less than 2 minutes left in the game Bills were up 24-16.... and after a few more turn-overs... the Cowboys some how ended up in the end-zone with a TD pass to Patrick Crayton... Now they need the 2 point conversion to tie it up (obvi)

Romo to TO... and the ball is STRIPPED from TO's hands in the end zone. Incredible defensive play... I thought heads were going to roll....

Now the cowboys have that unlikely shot to recover an on-side kick... and holy shizzle... THEY DO!

Romo to TO... it's called a catch.... Romo spikes... 1 second left on the clock.

BUT WAIT! hold the phone, they need to review the previous play (TO"s catch)... which is over-turned!

So attempt 2... 13 seconds on the clock... complete 2 short passes.... 2 seconds left on the clock.



53-yard field goal attempt... the kick is up... it's gooooood!!!!!


No it's not. Bills called a time out before the kick.

What kicker can make that kick twice? hahaha, like no one... so can Nick Folk (who???) make the 52-yard attempt AGAIN?

Well whadd'ya know... that mo'fo makes that kick again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Incredible and exciting game.

Phew, i'm emotionally exhausted.

And I still hate the cowboys. But thanks for the entertaining game.

PS. "Matriculate the coverage" makes absolutely no sense...
LL Cool J + Big Pun = Save Big Ass

The one moment during J-Lo's performance out strolls Big Pun... crowd screams... a few minutes later... Big Pun is rolling off the stage and you hear JLo say something about 'it's not ova yeeet" and suddenly the whole stadium is shaking...

LL Cool J has walked on the stage (how anyone identified him in the 2 seconds he appeared in the darkness is beyond me) and the 20,000 women (99% of the audience) are screaming beyond belief.

I have to say, there is something about LL that is just beyond words. Incredible power. Is it just the abs?

Monday, October 08, 2007


Brillant? quite possibly

Gorgeous? Absolutely.

Naturally talented dancer? No doubt

Singing power? ... well she's done a good job learning and she can hold her own now

Established Actress? sure

Business woman? tots

Generous and charismatic? from what I can tell, definitely

Prego? Without question.

Can she capture 20,000 marc anthony fans? ........... ummmmmmmm........ needs some work.... because that did not happen on October 7th.

It's a tough mission to captivate a stadium full of 20k of your husband's fans who are interested in spanish radio and songs and not necessarily going to scream and jump over songs like "if you had my love" and other pop-sensations like Jenny From the Block...

For her first concert it was well planned with 4 costume changes, fireworks, back-up dancers, moving walk-ways, tv-screens, and more. The best moment though was when JLo actually abandoned her microphone and traded it in for a "janet-jackson" mic and actually DANCED for the whole song.... that was amazing...

Unfortunately that only happened once for 3 minutes.

Regardless of her lackluster performance, I want to be her. Or Shakira. Or both.

What Does Marc Anthony and 20,000 People Have In Common?

I have no idea. I don't speak a lick of spanish. And last night at the at the JLo-Marc Anthony at MSG, I understood "Tuuuuuu eeeeessss" to mean "youuuuuu arrrrrrrre".

Marc opened and from the second someone thought he might be coming, the crowd was insane. The crowd sang every song, stood and danced the entire time, and if you didn't know better you'd think we were in Puerto Rico and that everyone had just won the lotto.

Rose thought he was hot. I still think he's got a bit of the 'mature' (old), 'greasy' (greasy) look to him.... and his songs sound to me generic (monotone) but obviously there must be something there for Jlo to pick him over Ben, Puffy and just about anyone she wants.

Gosh, I don't get it, but to 20,000 fans and one of the most powerful woman in the world - he's the best thing ever.