Sexy, Rex-y Move-Over
First let me say, I don't know who first created the nickname "Sexy Rexy" because I don't think it applies. Second, according to the Boston Globe (who heard it from a In Touch Weekly)... the word on the street is that the one, the only Tom Brady has been offerd $1 million dollars to pose in his underwear for Calvin Klein.
So instead of offering an opinion that could very well get me in trouble, I rather pose a few questions...
Do you admire him more or less now? More attractive or gay? Is it cool that he's gotten the offer over Peyton, or is this the first step in becoming more like Peyton with all the endorsements and commercials? But most of all...
Will you buy Calvin Klein underwear now?
1. Since when did the fact that you may get in trouble keep you from offering your opinion (see post entitled "My Love for Plaxico")?
2. Brady is absolutely more attractive now. I just don't see how posing in your underwear makes you gay. Mark Walberg used to be an underwear model for CK, and I don't hear his sexuality being challenged (despite the video for Good Vibrations). I bet dollars to pesos that if you ask CK whether their target audience is men or women, they'd say women before you could utter the words "Best quarterback ever."
3. It's really no surprise Brady got the offer over Peyton, despite Peyton's 6'5, 240 lb physique and rocket arm (remember that commercial?). But it's not like Brady never gets endorsement deals. He's had his fair share in the past - Dunkin Donuts, Sirius, the credit card protection commercials. Brady has done a nice job of picking and choosing which products to endorse, as opposed to selling his soul to whatever company asks him all in the name of the almighty dollar (and Peyton doesn't even restructure his contract to take less money like the Lord, ooops, sorry I mean Brady).
4. Yes, I will fill my entire underwear drawer with CK products.
Thank you for your comments. I see your point on everything except for your marketing.
1) I'm actually pretty sure that CK is targeting men not women. They wouldn't pick Michael Jordan and Tom Brady... or gosh Kevin Bacon or Cuba Gooding Jr. if they were targeting women... not to mention they're selling men's underwear...
As much as I may steal your clothes, i do have limits...
2) Although it may seem like Peyton is in a gazillion commercials, he does seem to do a decent job at picking them. Infact, what I'd call award-winning integrated programs have included Peyton (Priceless, the commercial you referenced, the you vs. Manning one, the one with him and his brother pushing each other around ESPN... ) 90% of Peyton's commercials are memorable... and that truly is PRICELESS. I can't recall a single Brady commercial - unless he was in that group one for credit cards where everyone got a different role..?
3) Are you sure the commercials you saw with Brady weren't targeted to New England rather than broadcasted nationally?
I believe actually that more women buy men's underwear than men (according to a professor I had at HC...I also haven't purchased my own underwear in my entire life) so women certainly are a target. I get the idea that by using Brady as your model he, because he's so masculine and such a stud will, make men say "Hey I want to be like Brady so I'll buy CK," but why then put him in seductive poses and make him appear enticing if you weren't going after a female audience?
There are also plenty of forgettable Manning commercials; when you do 1,674 commercials you're bound to have at least some of them be memorable. 90% is more than a little bit inflated.
Redken For Men does promotions that target the women since men seem incapable of purchasing anything on their own so I understand the marketing tactic you speak of.... however, we do not have models at Redken For Men to target the women. We use models that men can connect with and associate with...
I really don't think that Michael Jordan is targeted to women. I think they're trying to get men to have a preference and to prefer the sports-aligned brand. And although you may not do the purchasing, I do believe you pick it out and you have specific needs and requests you make... in fact i was there for that.
Not to mention CK has always been the more sexy brand in my opinion. Hanes has seemingly captured the space of sports figures. I've never seen Michael Jordan in a seductive pose, and especially not for any underwear commercial. Brady is heading towards a brand that does "I'm so sexy" over the brands that do "I'm so cool". That's what concerns me.
And yes, I have always agreed and commended Brady for not being a biznatch and taking so much money... For re-structuring his contracts to help the team... I always thought "horray! finally a player who doesn't need more than he can spend!'... but to see him doing more high-profile, million dollar endorsements...for being in a photograph? well that says to me he still wants the money, he just understands that from a business stand-point sacrificing the Patriot's cap will sacrifice good players and in turn, will ultimately hurt his own career...
I just don't see what's so wrong with going to the "I'm so sexy" brand. Why is that such a bad thing? He is a sexy guy (no homo - and speaking completely objectively)and there's nothing wrong with doing that. If anything, I think it's more manly, and it makes him more of a man's man, to endorse the sexy brand because that brand hammers home the idea that he is such a stud and all the women want him. I think desirability is equally, if not more so, an attribute of masculinity than admiration as a tough guy from all the guys at the bar. If "what concerns you" is that by going to the sexy brand he's becoming a girly man instead of a macho man's man, I think your concern is ill-founded.
This also isn't the first high profile, big paying modelling job Tom Brady has ever done. There are many pictures of him from GQ magazine for example. There's nothing wrong with making money on the side for endorsements, and what's wrong with getting the most bang for your buck. If someone offers you a deal to earn the most money while also taking the least amount of time away from watching game film and working out, then to me that seems like the best deal you could make. If modelling is such easy work, then why not take the million bucks.
If as a man you're fine with Tom Brady parading around in his undies, I'm fine with Tom Brady parading around in his undies. It's exactly why I posed the question.
As you may have noted in my first blog posting, I didn't actually say I thought Brady was going down the wrong route with the "I'm Sexy" stuff...but I am concerned.
My concern is that he's distracted. Heading into the fashion industry (clothes) at the same time you're dating Giselle... well that says to me she's got an influence... and I refer you back to my Superbowl posting for my other reference of Giselle's influence.
PS Being on the cover of magazines is editorial and totally different. GQ did not give him a million dollars.
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