Even if I was drunk or high, this concert would have been boring. Okay, okay, okay... maybe
if I was on some sort of illegal narcotic it would have been exciting. But that's ok, because they are a great band to listen to (on my computer).

They started with 3 songs that ran into eachother... You truly couldn't tell where 1 began and the other ended (and I knew one of three). They soon moved into "Hanging by a Moment" one and a half times.
Just when I thought DMB was the shoe in for the 'Songs That Sound Exactly Alike Award', lifehouse gave me a run for my money.
Disappoint decision was when the guitarist sang a song... (I believe counting crows and Goo Goo Dolls tried that and it sucked then too. Unless you are Ryan Peake from Nickleback, do not try this at home).
Overall, Lifehouse is a phenomenal radio band but needs some help with their concert performance. My advice to the band? Be proud of your hits and sing them.
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