Since Plaxico joined the Giants in 2005, I have both respected and loved him (as a fan does). He has always made great plays, worked hard, and been an incredible athlete. I felt that there was something classy & honorable, yet intense about Plaxico.

But for some reason when I started seeing Stevers, I started to receive disrespect from Stevers and his friends for my fandome of Burress. Instead, they thought I was a fool citing "his thuggery", his tendenacy to "give up on plays", and his behavior with the Steelers.
Through it all I stayed a fan and by his side. Although Stevers was pained and grimmaced when the subject came up, I never budged.
And now in 2007, playing almost all season with torn ligament in his ankle - and in many situations being the play-maker... he has man-ed up and played his heart out. You're damn straight.
I stand true to what I have said in the past. I absolutely give Plaxico credit this year for playing tough. He played on a bad ankle all year long and still had a great year, even helping me to my first fantasy football championship. However, I will never get the image of him taunting the Patriots in 2004 as our amazing 21 game win streak finally came to an end in Pittsburgh (by the way the Pats avenged that loss in the AFC Championship game - where were you then Plaxico?). Also, no Giants fan can dispute he, on more than one occasion last year, gave up on balls. He quit on his team. Michael Strahan even called him out on it. So yes, Plaxico played great this year, but the comments I made in the past about his thuggery and tin-man effort are absolutely, 100% correct.
Thank you for your comment stevers. I value your feedback and opinion.
Personally, I do believe you are too close to the Patriots, a bit biased, holding a grudge against Plaxico for doing something that just about every player in the NFL does. Call it "taunting" or call it "end zone dances" or call it "passionate"... What would you say about your own Patriot, Harrison, and his "jawing" Brian Bellick? Is that not taunting? Is that not "thuggish"?
You get upset when these players get competitive, challenge, call out and act cocky ... and it's against the Patriots. Get used to it. It's football, dear.
Please send me the YouTube or other video archive or article that quotes Michael Strahan. And just because Strahan says it, does it mean it's true?
As a clear (former) leader of the Giants team, Tiki bad-mouthed Eli, bad-mouthed Coughlin... Now ask Tiki, who won the superbowl?
Here is the link to Strahan's comments. Strahan also wasn't the only one to say it. It was on NFL Live and Sportscenter. I remember vividly because I was loving every second as all the analyists ripped into Plexiglass.
Hi stevers, thanks for sending the links... it didn't sound to me like Strahan really meant what he said. It sounded like it was a lash out after an embarassing loss to the Titans after a 21 point lead. If anything, I think strahan gave up that game - losing such a large lead definitely indicates to me that the defense gave up!
Additionally, I spoke to Burress myself at the Superbowl Parade and he told me that he's never given up on a ball. :) hee hee!
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