Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My New Life Motto
Living with a Patriot fan and having my wedding at Gillette has corrupted my brain. I'm going to start taking on the Bill Belichick motto...

It is what it is.

Better than trying to chant "serenity now", don'tchya think?

Friday, February 04, 2011

Will There Be Football in 2011?

Ah yes, intensified negotiating discussions will take place on Saturday in Texas. Here's to hoping for cooler heads to prevail.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Lesser of Two Evils

I am not a Greenbay Packer Fan. In fact, I always disliked the team (mostly due to their Brett-Favre factor). But in less than 5 days, I will unfortunately have to hope for their success in the Superbowl.

And if you need a reason to support the Packers, there is one compelling one: the Steelers' quarterback is a womanizer/rapist. If Big Ben had only been accused once - maybe I'd let it go. But a pattern of accusations... too much of a coincidence.

Since Brett is no longer with Greenbay, I guess I should reconsider my feelings towards their team. The Packers are the only team publicly traded and that's pretty damn cool. I'd buy a share of the team, even if I'm not a fan just to say I owe a football team. (bday gift anyone?)