Monday, October 08, 2007

What Does Marc Anthony and 20,000 People Have In Common?

I have no idea. I don't speak a lick of spanish. And last night at the at the JLo-Marc Anthony at MSG, I understood "Tuuuuuu eeeeessss" to mean "youuuuuu arrrrrrrre".

Marc opened and from the second someone thought he might be coming, the crowd was insane. The crowd sang every song, stood and danced the entire time, and if you didn't know better you'd think we were in Puerto Rico and that everyone had just won the lotto.

Rose thought he was hot. I still think he's got a bit of the 'mature' (old), 'greasy' (greasy) look to him.... and his songs sound to me generic (monotone) but obviously there must be something there for Jlo to pick him over Ben, Puffy and just about anyone she wants.

Gosh, I don't get it, but to 20,000 fans and one of the most powerful woman in the world - he's the best thing ever.

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