Since Plaxico joined the Giants in 2005, I have both respected and loved him (as a fan does). He has always made great plays, worked hard, and been an incredible athlete. I felt that there was something classy & honorable, yet intense about Plaxico.

But for some reason when I started seeing Stevers, I started to receive disrespect from Stevers and his friends for my fandome of Burress. Instead, they thought I was a fool citing "his thuggery", his tendenacy to "give up on plays", and his behavior with the Steelers.
Through it all I stayed a fan and by his side. Although Stevers was pained and grimmaced when the subject came up, I never budged.
And now in 2007, playing almost all season with torn ligament in his ankle - and in many situations being the play-maker... he has man-ed up and played his heart out. You're damn straight.